Name: Alexandre Davis
Individual Rating Points (IPR): 4
Matches Played: 10
Points Won: 72
Points Per Match: 7.200
Percent of Points (POPS): 0.669
Team Vs Wk Rnd On PW POPS
PACK BUDZ 1 1 LOV 2.5 1.000
PACK BUDZ 1 2 NASCAR 2 0.666
PACK BUDZ 1 3 NASCAR 1 0.333
PACK BUDZ 1 4 Guns n Roses 2.5 1.000
PACK BUDZ 10 1 MONO 1 0.400
PACK BUDZ 10 2 LOTR 0 0.000
PACK BUDZ 10 3 FG 0 0.000
PACK BUDZ 10 4 FG 2.5 1.000
PACK TEAM 2 1 LBALL 1 0.400
PACK TEAM 2 2 FOO 3 1.000
PACK TEAM 2 3 LBALL 0 0.000
PACK TEAM 2 4 LBALL 1.5 0.600
PACK SHOTS 3 1 SP 1.5 0.600
PACK SHOTS 3 2 FOO 3 1.000
PACK SHOTS 3 3 FG 3 1.000
PACK SHOTS 3 4 FOO 2.5 1.000
PACK FLIPS 4 1 MB 1 0.400
PACK FLIPS 4 3 IMAID 0 0.000
PACK FLIPS 4 4 AIQ 2.5 1.000
PACK MAFIA 5 3 STS 3 1.000
PACK MAFIA 5 4 NASCAR 2.5 1.000
PACK SLIP 6 1 MAGIC 2.5 1.000
PACK SLIP 6 2 MAGIC 3 1.000
PACK SLIP 6 3 MAGIC 3 1.000
PACK SLIP 6 4 ALIEN 0.5 0.200
PACK KOR 7 1 FG 2.5 1.000
PACK KOR 7 2 LOV 3 1.000
PACK KOR 7 3 NASCAR 2 0.666
PACK KOR 7 4 GI 1 0.400
PACK YAK 8 1 FG 1.5 0.600
PACK YAK 8 2 Guns and roses 1 0.333
PACK YAK 8 3 FG 3 1.000
PACK YAK 8 4 LOV 2.5 1.000
PACK DOOM 9 1 XENON 0 0.000
PACK DOOM 9 2 MONO 2 0.666
PACK DOOM 9 3 B66 3 1.000
PACK DOOM 9 4 EB 2.5 1.000