Name: Max Jones
Individual Rating Points (IPR): 3
Matches Played: 2
Points Won: 13
Points Per Match: 6.500
Percent of Points (POPS): 0.666
Team Vs Wk Rnd On PW POPS
TEAM PIZZA 1 1 TWD 2.5 1.000
TEAM PIZZA 1 2 MAGIC 1 0.333
TEAM PIZZA 1 3 TWD 2 0.666
TEAM PIZZA 1 4 MAGIC 2.5 1.000
TEAM HAPPY 2 2 Shrek 3 1.000
TEAM HAPPY 2 3 Shrek 2 0.666
TEAM HAPPY 2 4 Creature from the black lagoon 0 0.000