Northend Street League Pinball

Northend Street League Pinball is a 5 vs. 5 Thursday evening pinball league operating in various pinball venues in cities north of Seattle, including Edmonds, Marysville, Lynnwood, and Everett.

If you have questions, please visit our Facebook page

The third season is planned to begin February 23, 2023. League matches will be played on Thursdays at 7:30pm. Most matches should be completed between 9:30pm and 10pm.

The winning team will receive a Stanley-Cup-style trophy that passes from winning team to winning team. The winning team name, team members, and season info will be added to the cup (trophy).

The entry fee per team for the season is $50 ($10 per player). All of this money will be paid out in cash prizes to the top placing teams, 60% to the winner, 30% to second place, and 10% to third.

All who are interested in playing should create an account at

On the sign-up page, indicate which arcade(s) you are most interested in as your home venue. Also, please note if you are interested in being a team captain or co-captain.

The league will use rules and software adapted from the Monday Night Pinball League of Seattle. The preliminary rules may be found at

The season will consist of 10 regular season matches followed by two weeks of playoffs. During the regular season, each team will play every other team. Each team will play its sister team (shares a venue) twice, once at the start of the season and again at the end. Each team will play all other teams once.

Each match will consist of four rounds of play. The first and fourth rounds will consist of two doubles matches, while the second and third rounds will consist of five singles matches.

For the third season, we are using five venues and have ten teams of five players. In later seasons, we may expand to include more venues and more teams. Each venue will serve as the home arcade for two or three of the ten teams.

The league venues currently consist of White Buffalo in Everett, Crave 80s in Marysville, The Republic Bottle Shop in Marysville, and Another Castle in Edmonds.

Team Dues

Each team owes $50 in dues prior to the start of the season ($10 per player). These dues are paid out 100% in prizes at the end of the season.

Venue Dues

Each venue pays $100 dues per team per season. This money is used to throw a (free to players) end-of-season pizza party / tournament, to pay for web server time, and to administrate the league.

Each match requires teams to purchase 18 credits each (36 in total) to cover the four rounds of play. At 75 cents per credit, that works out to $27, which we'll round down to $25. Each team plays 6 home matches plus possible playoff games. That works out to $150+ in coin drop for home matches.

Now, factor in coin drop from home and away teams practicing for matches and we expect you will see at least another $150 in coin drop. If you then consider that at least some of the players will buy some beers and food while practicing and playing, we hope you'll agree that $100 in venue dues per team per season is a reasonable cash outlay.

© 2019-2022 Monday Night Pinball
© 2022-2024 Street League Pinball